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High Tech Security

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AT&T Addresses Recent Data Set Released on the Dark Web
AT&T Addresses Recent Data Set Released on the Dark Web
4/2/2024 5:47:45 AM
AT&T* has determined that AT&T data-specific fields were contained in a data set released on the dark web. While AT&T has made this determination, it is not yet known whether the data in those fields originated from AT&T or one of its vendors.
CaixaBank studies the prevention of cyberthreats by using AI tools
CaixaBank studies the prevention of cyberthreats by using AI tools
4/2/2024 3:13:05 AM
• The bank is involved in two European consortia to improve the financial system’s strengths in the face of cyberthreats and improve its response to incidents.
Thales Announces Partnership with Saporo in Belgium to Empower Organizations with Enhanced Cybersecurity Resilience
Thales Announces Partnership with Saporo in Belgium to Empower Organizations with Enhanced Cybersecurity Resilience
4/1/2024 4:09:51 AM
This collaboration brings together Thales’ extensive experience in securing critical infrastructure and digital assets with Saporo’s innovative attack path management platform.