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New Online Creative Arts Publicity and Marketing Service


FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. - March 9, 2006 (WebWire) -- Nan Kilar (

Our publicity and marketing service for the Arts is one of the best marketing services available and it’s free.

"Publicity builds credibility and establishes you as a leader" says Nan Kilar, senior editor at Bob Miller Writes.

Using publicity helps to make you and your work a household name. What are considered creative arts? The creative arts are a collection of disciplines whose principal purpose is in the output of material that is compelled by a personal drive and echoes or reflects a message, mood, and symbolism for the viewer to interpret. As such, the term art may be taken to include forms as diverse as crafts, books, articles, prose writing, poetry, dance, acting, music, sculpture, and painting. In addition to serving as a method of pure creativity and self-expression, the purpose of works of art may be to communicate ideas, such as in politically-, religiously-, and philosophically-motivated art, to create a sense of beauty or pleasure, or to generate strong emotions; the purpose may also be seemingly nonexistent.

Ms. Kilar went on to say, "Our Creative Arts Service is free, and the general public can post their opinions at any time on any subject as well, or just view the news. The major advantage of using this nationwide service is that you can post your information in your hometown edition and, in most cases, that post will go nationwide. Think of it! The cover of your book, excerpt and bio posted in your hometown edition of a nationwide news publication free of all charges. Don’t believe it? You’ve only to visit our website to find out. While you can buy full page ads, it’s not necessary to do so. We suggest you leave your credit card at home"

### is an eclectic online publication that is updated each week. Nan Kilar reviews books; Bob Miller writes books, short stories and articles. He’s authored seven books. Served as a pilot in Vietnam (1969-70). Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. Challenged Richard Shelby for a seat in U.S. Senate in 1992. He is considered one of America’s most controversial writers.


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